Oxford Kindergarten

Oxford Kindergarten



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Term Dates:

Term 1: Ends: 12 April 2024
Term 2: 29 April – 5 July 2024
Term 3: 22 July – 27 Sept 2024
Term 4: 14 Oct – 19 Dec 2024

Full Year Dates:

Full Year Dates:



Session Time:

8:30 am –
2:30 pm


16 Oxford Street, Gore


(03) 208 4147


Katrina Blondell, Leah Heaps, Melissa Clarkson

Number of Children:

30 in the morning, 20 in the afternoon



At Oxford Kindergarten we learn with laughter, kindness and celebrations. Our unhurried learning environment allows tamariki to learn, a tonu wa, each at their own pace for them to become confident and competent learners. We value whanaungatanga and manaakitanga and treasure our relationships in our learning and wider communities. We are a ‘bucket filling’ kindergarten, rich in social and emotional competence.

At Oxford Kindergarten we have 3 experienced qualified kaiako providing quality education and care for your child. Relationships with whānau are integral to our kindergarten. We have a diverse range of urban and rural families attending and their identities and cultures are reflected throughout our kindergarten. We love to collaborate with families in our programme and hold regular family nights filled with fun, laughter, and joy. We hold regular clothes and book swaps with our whānau; and every morning run a breakfast club held here at kindergarten which is supported by the local community.

Our legendary outdoor environment reflects the kaupapa of Enviroschools. We have wide open spaces and quiet reflection areas. This allows tamariki lots of room for exploration, experimentation, and unhurried learning. Our learning kaupapa is entrenched in social and emotional competence. Here, we learn about kindness and empathy, as well as how to recognise and understand our emotions. This brain-based learning sets tamariki up for learning for life and this learning has created positive feedback from our whānau and wider community.

Here at Oxford Kindergarten, we treasure and embrace the unique cultural gifts our whanau brings. Our whānau have opportunities to contribute to our programme. We proudly participate in the Gore Cultural Festival with the wider community.

We invite you to come and meet with us and see our programme in action. We have an open-door policy and we welcome everyone.

Head Teacher

Katrina Blondell

Katrina has been teaching since 2000 and has been Kaiako Matua here at Oxford Kindergarten since 2005. She has 2 degrees from the University of Otago: Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma for Graduates; and a Diploma of Teaching from Dunedin College of Education. In addition, she also holds a Certificate in Child Protection. She has a passion for children and a strength in collaborating and supporting whānau.

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Ready to enrol? Take a look at our kindergartens and see which one is the best fit for your Whanau.


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