Our Programmes

We have a strong emphasis on being in nature where tamariki are able to explore and learn about the natural environment.

Doing what kids have done for centuries – playing with nature, climbing trees, splashing in puddles, making mud cakes and caring for one another – builds resilience, cooperation, perseverance, playfulness and risk taking.

We believe this is the very best use of our resources and that we are preparing our tamariki to become the citizens of the future, who will help protect the environment and our communities for healthy, happy tamariki and whanau of the future.


We have 24 kindergartens signed up to the Enviroschools programme. These Kindergartens are supported by two active Kindergartens South facilitators.

The holistic and non-prescriptive nature of our Early Childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki, supports the successful integration of the Enviroschools kaupapa of “creating a healthy, peaceful and sustainable world through learning and taking action together”. This kaupapa reminds our kaiako about teaching tamariki to love, care for and respect themselves, their peers, and the environment.

We work closely with the Regional Co-ordinator at Environment Southland, as well as Toimata (Enviroschools Foundation). This enables us to provide interesting informative workshops/webinars for our kaiako and to continue to grow our connections within the wider Southland community.

Kindergartens South holds the Enviroschools kaupapa in Early Childhood Education in Southland and we are proud to have this as a key point of difference for our Association.

Discovering Nature/Taiao Tūhura

“Must we always teach our children with books? Let them look at the mountains and the stars up above … They will then begin to think, and to think is the beginning of a real education” (David Polis)

When young tamariki learn about the concept of Kaitiakitanga, and learn to be kaitiaki, they learn to respect, care for, and protect people, places and things that are important to us all.

All tamariki who partake in Taiao Tūhura are supported to develop then demonstrate a sense of responsibility for the living world and knowledge about how to care for it.

We are lucky to be able to access spaces in our communities where tamariki can go and experience an unhurried, ataahua environment. From Myross Road to Ivy Russell Reserve; from Dolamore Park to Ivor Wilson Park to Mores Reserve. We are truly fortunate to have so many exciting spaces for our tamariki.

Kindergartens South continues to value the learning tamariki experience when they are out in nature.

Explore our Kindergartens

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