Longbush Rural Kindergarten

Longbush Rural Kindergarten



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Term Dates:

Full Year Dates:

Full Year Dates:

Operates 49 weeks per year



Session Time:

8:30 am –
2:30 pm


1069 Invercargill Woodlands Highway, Invercargill, 9871


(03) 231 3148


Sonia Leonard, Nicki Munday, Catherine Carroll

Number of Children:




Longbush Rural Kindergarten provides a rural hub for learning and growing. We are nestled away approximately 12kms north of Invercargill. Our beautiful rural setting is a wonderland full of mature trees and shrubs with a view of rural farm life just over the fence. Arowhenua is our farm area, which is connected directly to the kindergarten. Tamariki utilise this area for nature inspired learning.

Whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, mahi tahi, respect and kindness are core values that create the foundation of our kindergarten. Being in the heart of a rural community gives the kindergarten a vibrant multicultural whānau base.

Our kindergarten provides an authentic learning space where tamariki and whānau gather from far and wide to learn, play and connect with others in the community. Kaiako value learning in an unhurried environment that provides moments of wonder and curiosity for tamariki to deepen their understandings of the world around them. Our kindergarten programme is rich in opportunities for tamariki to choose areas that enhance their learning from small, quiet spaces to big, open and physically challenging spaces. There are multiple opportunities for tamariki to experience rich language, early literacy and mathematical concepts throughout their day.

Through creating strong social and emotional connections with each other and the whenua, tamariki develop critical thinking skills, resilience and form different ways of working collaboratively.

Kaiako bring with them their own kete of experiences and learnings which complement each other. All kaiako are highly experienced in early childhood and are confident, fun and empathetic.

Kaiako and tamariki would love you to come and visit us, so we can show you around our amazing learning environment.

Head Teacher

Sonia Leonard

Tēnā koutou katoa

I am an experienced early childhood kaiako with over 17 years of experience.

I am passionate about everything that encompasses early childhood teaching and learning; valuing manaakitanga and whanaungatanga as authentic qualities to create a sense of mahi tahi within the learning environment. I am committed to ensuring the kindergarten is a vibrant, inclusive asset within the community where everyone feels a sense of ukaipotanga, are valued, respected and supported. I lead a team of dynamic kaiako who aspire to nurture children’s curiosity and wonder as they navigate their learning journeys and make connections with the world around them.

Kaiako welcome you to call in anytime for a look around and to meet our team.

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Ready to enrol? Take a look at our kindergartens and see which one is the best fit for your Whanau.


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