Lindisfarne Kindergarten

Lindisfarne Kindergarten



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Term Dates:

Full Year Dates:

Full Year Dates:

Operates 49 weeks per year



Session Time:

8:30 am –
2:45 pm


34 Mitchell Street Richmond Invercargill 9810


(03) 217 9467


Paula Smith, Shelley Matheson, Kellie Waters

Number of Children:

30 in the morning, 20 in the afternoon



Lindisfarne Kindergarten is in a long-established residential area which is centrally located. At present, our kindergarten roll consists of a diverse multi-cultural blend of tamariki and whānau. 

We have built strong partnerships and relationships with our whānau and the wider community. Through these contributions, korero and communication, it supports and enables Lindisfarne Kindergarten to offer a learning programme that is reflective of our whānau aspirations and what they see as important for their tamaiti. We have a committee meeting every term, kaiako and whānau come together, to converse and plan how to continue supporting Lindisfarne Kindergarten. 

Within our curriculum, assessments, and pedagogical practices, we have a strong emphasis on caring for the natural and living world through exploration and inquiry learning. We have a balanced programme incorporating different aspects that enhance and empower our tamariki to be the best they can be. We provide resources/experiences to support and develop skills in the arts, early mathematics, literacy, science, self-management, resilience and supporting tamariki to be kind human beings.  

We partake in the Taiao Tūhura (Nature Discovery Programme). Using nature and natural elements enriches tamariki to build a sense of responsibility and respect for the living world. Kaiako appreciate the importance of tamariki exploring and testing their physical abilities, engaging in adult-supported risk-taking. 

We have a spacious outside play area/environment providing ample space to explore, be involved and engage. We have an established garden area and tunnel house full of plants and vegetables, supporting our sustainable practices and providing kai to our families. We offer learning opportunities that promote collective and individual values, acknowledge feelings and individuality, take tamariki fears and concerns seriously, and respond sensitively. 

Want to know more? Come on in, the jug is always on. Inquire about available spaces, place your name on the waiting list, or explore our learning environment. 

Head Teacher

Paula Smith

Kia ora koutou, I have held the kaiako position at Lindisfarne Kindergarten for the last 13 years, 5 years of which have been in the position of Head Kaiako. My unwavering commitment, dedication, and passion for the profession allow me to offer a teaching style that is fun, lively, and supportive and ensures all tamariki are empowered and heard. I am always open to employing diverse methods, resources, and ideas to sustain and maintain a learning environment and learning journey that fulfills our whānau and our wider communities' aspirations and needs. Lindisfarne Kindergarten is all about providing quality education and our motto is about being calm, kind, firm and consistent, enabling new tamariki and whānau to build on their sense of well-being and belonging within their new learning space.

On behalf of myself and my teaching colleagues, I invite you to please come in for a visit and a korero and we look forward to you starting your new learning journey with us here at Lindisfarne Kindergarten.

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Ready to enrol? Take a look at our kindergartens and see which one is the best fit for your Whanau.


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