Lees Street Kindergarten

Lees Street Kindergarten


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Term Dates:

Term 1: Ends 12 April 2024
Term 2: 29 April – 5 July 2024
Term 3: 22 July – 27 Sep 2024
Term 4: 14 Oct – 19 Dec 2024

Full Year Dates:

Full Year Dates:



Session Time:

8:30 am –
2:30 pm


75 Lees Street, Gladstone, Invercargill



Helen Jackson, Sally Bailey, Alana Beckett

Number of Children:

30 in the morning, 20 in the afternoon


Enviroschools, Nature Discovery

Our kindergarten environment is rich in learning opportunities. Whānau will see resources and learning that supports literacy and language development. Alongside this is a strong numeracy component.

Assessment makes valued learning visible. Kaiako work in partnership with whānau to develop and strengthen assessment for individuals and as a collective.

Each week, 10 of our oldest tamariki attend the Discovering Nature programme. This supports tamariki to develop ecological identity. Supporting self-help skills such as independence, leadership, resilience and respecting the wider world.

Our Enviroschool programme empowers tamariki to be lifelong kaitiariki/guardians to think and act substantially. Alongside this, our kindergarten tamariki grow veges and fruit in our gardens, which they cook and share within the community.

Our indoor learning space invites tamariki to work in pockets of areas for collaboration with new and existing ngā hoa/friends.

Our outdoor learning environment has well-established trees that shade and shelter our large open play space. Our large deck connects to our sandpit. There are many opportunities to refine and strengthen physical skills with and alongside others.

Lees Street Kindergarten sets an environment where tamariki have opportunities to work with and learn alongside others. Development of social competencies is supported – turn-taking, problem-solving, initiating and maintaining relationships to understand that their contribution matters.

Kaiako respect the cultural heritage of each tamaiti. In partnership with families, kaiako identify connections between home and family. Kaiako embrace the opportunity to learn more about individual cultures.

Lifetime friendships can be made for whānau at kindergarten. Whānau can be involved with our kindergarten committee.

Head Teacher

Helen Jackson

Helen Jackson is an experienced Kaiwhakahaere/Head Teacher. She has worked within the Kindergartens South Association for over 16 years. She leads her team with passion and reflectiveness. Her strengths of tautoko/supporting whānau and tamariki are an asset to all that she does. Her love of Early Childhood Education is evident in providing the quality education that happens at Lees Street Kindergarten. Call in and meet Helen and her teaching team. They would love to meet you and your tamaiti soon.

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Fee Calculator

We are working on this function. In the mean time, please email us for our fees.